Vetvit AD3E

Composition :

Each 5 ml contains :

Vitamin A……………………….. 2,50,000 IU
Vitamin D3………………………… 25,000 IU
Vitamin E……………………………… 150 mg.
Vitamin C………………………………. 500 mg.
Protein hydrolysate………….…….. 10 mg.


Benefits :

1. Highly useful in the following stress
· Vaccination
· Debeaking
· Deworming
· Handling
· Transportation
· Disease
· Climatic disturbance etc.
2. Improves egg production in layers.
3. Increases growth and body weight in

Dosage & Administration :

Livestock :

Chickens                                         100ml / 2000 Chickens
Chicks in disseminating               100 ml / 1000 Popcorn
Laying Hens                                100ml / 800 Laying hens
Cattle and Horses                                                         20 ml
Calves & Foals                                                               10 ml
Pigs & Sheep                                                               2 – 4 ml

The application orally.
Instructions for proper use of the preparation :
The preparation is administerd in drinking water, milk
or colostrum 3-5 days or two days a week every week
of the month.

Presentation :

100 ml, 500 ml, 1ltr, 5 ltr


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