MORAYA GROUP OF COMPANIES is an ISO 9001:2008, ISO 9001:2015 & GMP certified Fami QS company having two manufacturing units at Dehradun (Uttarakhand) and Sirsaganj (Uttar Pradesh) in India with the state of the art R&D at Dehradun (Uttarakhand). The manufacturing and R&D is equipped with modern and most sophisticated instrumentation facility & machinery to maintain high quality standards during product development and manufacturing.
MORAYA GROUP was launched in the year 2006 with a vision to "Partner the Upliftment of Poultry Health and Productivity". MORAYA, an ISO 9001:2008 & GMP Certified Company, is committed to the upliftment of poultry health and productivity by providing research based efficacious and quality assured natural, biotechnological and other synergy products along with a superior quality service.
MORAYA PET HEALTH is a division of MORAYA GROUP OF COMPANIES, a company committed to serving companion animal species. MORAYA PET HEALTH has been introduced with an aim to keep Pet healthy and happy. MORAYA PET HEALTH envisages of becoming an exemplar by providing effective research based innovative solutions to the customers by closely working with the veterinarians and providing the latest in the Pet health care and education.