
Composition :

Each 10 gm contains :


Agle Marmelos Fr. 0.515g, Androgaphis paniculata
Pl.-0.165g, Berberis Iycium Rt.-0.200g, Pinica granatum
Ft.R.-610g Symplocos racemosus St. Bk.-0.160g, Salmalia
malabarica Gum Exd.-0.100. Woodfordia fruticosa Fl.-0.420

Powders :

Acicia catechu Ht.Wd – 0,583, Cyperus rotundus Rz, – 0.583
Holarhena antidysenterica S.T. BK – 1.00, Polygonum aviculare
Rt,- 0.250, Tinospora cordifolia St. – 1.083, Zingiber offcinate
Rz – 0.116, khatik – 3.333, Excipients – q.s.



Indication :

● Non-infectious diarrhoea due to faulty diet, over feeding,
indigestion, intestinal injury, hypersecretion, malabsorption
& increased intestinal motality.
● As supportive therapy in infectious diarrhoea of viral,
bacterial & protozoal origin.

Dosage  : 

Cows, Buffaloes, Horses & Camels…………….30g
Calves, Heifers & Colts……………………….10 – 15g
Sheep, Goats & Pigs…………………………7.5 – 10g
Other Animals…………As per age & body weight.

Administer the dose twice daily. in servere case reapeat dose
6 hourly. mix the granules with about five times quantity of water,
shake well to homogenous suspension and administer orally or
as advised by Veterinarian.

Presentation :

30 gm, 100 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg


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