Indication :

● Helps to restore liver functions.
● For better growth, production & vitality.
● Improve liver function & increases appetite.
● Increase weight gain & egg production in poultry.
● To counteract stress due to vaccination, deworming disease.
● Liver fluke infestation in livestock and aflatoxicosis in poultry.
● Change in feed & weather shifting, debeaking and overcrowding.

Direction for use :

To be given daily as such or through drinking water
as per usage guide.

Usage :
Cattle& Horse :                           50 ml. twice daily
Calves, Pigs & Foals :                 25 ml. twice daily
Sheep, Goat& Dog :                    10 ml. twice daily
Poultry per 100 birds :
Chicks :                                                    10 ml. daily
Grower& Broilers :                                20 ml. daily
Layer :                                                      50 ml. daily

Presentation :

500 ml, 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr.


Composition :

Each 30 ml contains :
Thiamine hydrochoride                                    5 mg
Ferrous gluconate                                         200 mg
Ferrous chloride                                              80 gm
Riboflavin                                                           5 mg.
Nicotinic acid                                                   20 mg
Calcium lactate                                              300 mg.
Liver fraction                                             2(150 mg.)
derived from 3.75 gm. of fresh liver
Nicotinamide.                                                    45 mg


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