Composition :

Ephedra vulgaris, Adhatoda Vasica Pistacia Integarrims, Solanum Surattence
Viola Odorta, Zingiber Officinale Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, Piper Nigrum
Clycyrhiza Glabra, Kopoor, Peppermint Sugar, Sodium Benzoate


Advantages :

For prevention & control of CRD, E-Coli,
Coryzal RDImprove the FCRReduce the
extra secretion of mucus in respiratory
tract.Help in quick recovery from
respiratory infection.Reduce the side
effect of antibiotic.

Dosage & Administration :

Chicks – 20 ml/100 birds daily
Broilers & Layers – 40 ml./100 birds daily
To be given in drinking water or with wet

Presentation :

100 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr 25 Ltr.


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