Indication :

  • Ascites & cirrhosis of liver. Adjuvant in management of canines and feline viral hepatitis,distemper ad parvovirus infection. •
  • Supportive therapy in and anti-parasitic drug therapy.
  • As a supportive therapy in post operative care.

Direction for use

  • small breeds:5-8 ml. 3 times a day. 10-15 ml. 3 times a day.
  • Large breeds:1-15 ML  3 time a day.
  • or as directed by Veterinarian.


200 ml


Composition :

  • Punarnava…………………..200 mg
  • Kasni…………………………..200 mg
  • Guduchi………………………100 mg
  • Mako…………………………..100 mg
  • Haritki…………………………100 mg
  • Kutki……………………………100 mg
  • Bhui amla……………………..100 mg
  • Bharingraj……………………100 mg
  • Arjun chhal…………………..100 mg
  • Amla…………………………….100 mg
  • Sonth…………………………….100 mg
  • Daruhaldi……………………….25 mg
  • Chitrakmool. Jhau…………..25 mg
  • Gokhru………………………….25 mg
  • Vidang…………………………..25 mg
  • Syrup Base………………………q.s


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